We always stand alongside patients
-Concept of diabetes product development toward the future

We pursue value beyond user-friendliness for patients.What value will Terumo provide in future diabetes care?
In order to realize our corporate mission “Contributing to Society through Healthcare,” Terumo has been listening to voices of healthcare professionals and developing and providing products in the market for over 100 years.
People with type 1 diabetes are suddenly told of their disease and forced to live with the disease all through their lifetime. Not only they are required strenuous daily care, but also faced with physical and mental stress because of various limitations in daily life and social bias.
We must provide patients with products reliable and easy to use so that patients could use them in their daily treatment no worries, but Terumo’s engineers questioned if only supplying those products does not mean really standing alongside patients.
“Our passion unlocks all possibilities.”Our wish is to liberate patients from difficulties, restrictions, and the sense of isolation that comes from diseases.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary, we outlined what we will aim for in the future, and what philosophy we should apply to our product development.
Through deep-dive discussions in the team, including insulin pump engineers, we formulated the concept of diabetes product development toward future.
Unlocking possibilities.
We can help patients to unlock their possibilities to become who they truly are.
By doing so, we wish to make a difference for society, healthcare professionals, and patients.
Our journey of product development will continue under this renewed commitment.

Our dedication for the diabets treatment
Introducing our dedication for the diabetes treatment